Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Almighty Does Not Vacillate (for Friday, August 30)

The Word of the Day is “Yes.” When our faith is challenged, we are tempted to become unsure of the promises of God’s Word and doubtful of its preaching. Today, in 2 Corinthians 1:12-20, Paul defends himself from the charge that he vacillates. He says, “Yes” sometimes, “No” other times, and “Yes and No” most times (vs. 18). Today, we will find that Paul admits he had changed his plans about visiting Corinth. He may have vacillated, but he insists that his motives, methods, and messages are constant. 

By his constancy, Paul seeks to reflect the faithfulness of God, whose “steadfast love endures forever” (Psalm 118) and whose Word is everlasting (Psalm 119:89; Matthew 24:35). We learn from our reading that we can rely on the unchanging nature of God’s Word and His good will for us, providing us with a sense of security in His steadfast Word. 

Paul is answering the criticism that he is undependable since He first planned to come to Corinth after he passed through Macedonia. But then he unexpectedly dropped everything and made his “sorrowful visit.” Then, he meant to return to Corinth. But he canceled his intentions again and wrote to the Corinthians instead. It seemed to his opponents that  Paul was hiding his true motives and intents, or he could not make up his mind (vs. 17).


In our reading, Paul responds to his critics. In summary, he insists that his only motive is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. And his only intent is that his hearers accept the grace of God and live according to it. Moreover, the apostle maintains that he “conducts his affairs with simplicity and godly sincerity” (vs. 12). Furthermore, he notes that he does not preach worldly wisdom. As he said in 1 Corinthians 2, he did not come to them with impressive speech but resolved to know nothing among them “except Christ and Him crucified” (vs. 2:2). Consequently, he wrote, “My speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power” (1 Cor. 2:4).


Therefore, Paul maintained that he is not indecisive in his proclamation or way of life at all. But by openness and forthrightness, he reflects the unchanging truth of the Gospel. You see, the Almighty God of steadfast love does not waver. He does not offer His promises, only to take them back again. With God, there is no “Yes and No” (vs. 18-19), but only the constant affirmation of all that He pledges. His Word is not a blunt instrument that He uses haphazardly. It is a sharp sword that cuts through all ambiguity and uncertainty to accomplish His purpose. Therefore, all who hear His Word must say “Amen” to its message and affirm its teaching.


Especially in times of trial, we might think that God’s Word is uncertain and His good will for us is in doubt. But then we should realize that our uncertainty is not the fault of the Almighty. Instead, it is that we have mixed thoughts and feelings. Along with the voice of Christ, we are listening to other influences. Their messages swirl around in our minds, and the siren songs of the world confuse the call of Christ. In these times of hesitation, we should return to the foundation of our faith in the promises of God.

Moreover, we should consider who makes these promises. As Chrysostom says, “Fear not, therefore; for it is not man so that thou shouldest mistrust; but it is God Who both said and fulfilleth” (NfPf1:12, vs. 20), that is, it is God who both speaks and fulfills what He says. If God fulfilled His promise of sending us a Savior and who kept His Word to send us the Holy Spirit, how can we have misgivings about His Word and will?

Note: I will be on vacation until the 9th or 10th of September.  I will not post a commentary until then. I hope that you will continue your scripture study and that it will be fruitful.  Until I resume my posts, God bless.  

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