The word of the day is “magnified.” St. Paul writes our reading of Philippians 1:12-20 as he faces his trial and possible execution. Paul spent two years under house arrest. Yet at any time while he was “in chains,” Paul could be taken to court before the Roman Emperor. Our reading suggests that Paul waited in uneasy anticipation throughout those years. He hoped and prayed that God would be magnified by his inevitable ordeal, whether in life or death.
In our reading, the
Apostle states he is “appointed for the defense of the gospel” at his trial (vs. 17). Therefore, he asks for
the prayers of his beloved congregation. Because of their prayers and the work
of the Spirit, Paul hopes that the case against him will turn out for his
“deliverance” (vs. 19). But that does not mean he will survive the
ordeal---not at least “in the body.”
Whether in Life
or Death, God Would Be Magnified
The Greek word for
“deliverance” is the term generally used for “salvation” (Romans 1:16).
But it has the basic sense of rescue and preservation (Strong’s 4992,
246). In this case, Paul’s “rescue” may mean his death. Thus Paul asks
that the prayers for him be aligned with his “earnest expectation and hope”
that he will not be put to shame and that Christ will be “magnified in
my body, whether by life or death” (vs. 20). Thus, as the Mother of God magnified the Lord in
her song of praise (Lk. 1:46), so Paul deeply desires that his trial and its
result will enlarge the greatness and glory of Christ (Strong’s # 3170,
Looking at this passage
from Paul’s point of view, we note that St. Paul’s overriding concern is the
“furtherance” of the Gospel so that Christ may be glorified. Remember Paul’s
distress about his rivals? In 2 Corinthians, he warns against the deceit of a
preacher of “another Jesus” (vs. 2 Cor. 11:4). And in Galatians he curses
those who would preach “another Gospel” (Gal. 1:9). Now, even in Rome, Paul has
opponents. Paul says that they are preaching Christ from “selfish ambition” and
the desire to “add to Paul’s affliction in chains” (vs. 15). St. John
Chrysostom suggests that they were trying to incite the Emperor ‘s anger over
the spread of the Gospel. The result would be that he would inflict his wrath
on Paul (NfPf1: 13, 190). Whatever the explanation, we only learn from
Paul that they were preaching the Gospel out of “envy and strife” (vs. 15).
Nothing Matters
Except the Progress of the Gospel
But now how does Paul
react to his contenders? Facing his day in court and possible execution,
Paul takes the long view. He responds to his opponents with
equanimity. Nothing matters to him except the advance of the
Gospel. And if that results from his opponents’ jealousy, then Christ
will be magnified,
and Paul will rejoice (vs. 18).
For Reflection
In his comment on this
passage, Chrysostom praises Paul’s noble attitude toward his contenders. The
preacher thinks it remarkable that the Apostle could rejoice over his
opponent’s success in preaching the Gospel. The preacher writes: “Not one of
the grievous things which are in this present life can fix their fangs upon
that lofty soul, which is truly philosophic, neither enmity, nor accusations,
nor slanders, nor dangers, nor plots. It flies for refuge as it were to a
mighty fortress, securely defended against all that attack it from this lower
earth. Such was the soul of Paul; it had taken possession of a place higher
than any fortress, the seat of spiritual wisdom, that is, true philosophy”
(NfPf1: 13, 193).
It is not so hard to
believe that God is magnified when
we and our friends are successful in spreading the Gospel and serving the
Lord. But what if our opponents are also effective in the same endeavors?
What attitude does it take for us to say that the Lord is magnified even in the
success of our adversaries?
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