Saturday, July 20, 2024

Everyone's Purpose (Sunday, July 21)

The Word of the Day is "worship."  Today, for our scripture study of Romans 1:18-27, we explore what St. means when he writes: " [They] exchanged the truth of God for the lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever" (Romans 1:25). What are the foremost sins? Paul's answer in our reading is surprising. They are not the typical assumptions that what God hates the most are killing, stealing, sexual immorality, lying, and coveting. Nor are they hatred, prejudice, injustice, or sloth, lust, despair, and idle talk.  


Paul's answer is the primary sins that deserve the judgment of God have to do with worship. They are not sins against our neighbor but sins against what is Almighty God and what is due to Him. Fr. Alexander Schmemann explains that humans are, first of all, not "homo sapiens" but "homo adorans." Our calling on this earth is to be creations of God who worship Him. Above all, we are called to be priests, he says. As rational creatures, our purpose is to stand before God and "unify the world by blessing God as we receive the world from Him and offer it back to Him" (Schmemann 1973, Chapter 2).

As today's reading of Romans 6:18-23 suggests, whatever we worship, that we serve, and whatever we serve,  enslaves us.  If it is not God and we are "slaves of righteousness," then we are "slaves of sin" (Romans 6:20)


But, here is the tragedy of human existence. Fr. Schmemann says that humans gave up their calling as priests of the world to become slaves of the world (Schmemann 1973, Chapter 3). Thus, in today's reading, St. Paul says that humans "worshiped and served the creature rather than the creator" (Romans  1:25).

These words do not merely apply to those who make idols out of wood or stone. It applies to all who give their highest honor, esteem, and reverence to the things of this world. Whatever we worship--that is, whatever we hold in highest regard--that is, what preoccupies and controls us. God is the only giver and sustainer of life. And if we worship something else, we are possessed with what is not life but death.


All the sins have one fundamental source: humans worship and devote themselves to the lie of what is not the Holy and Almighty God, the Creator. But thanks be to God that He has restored our human nature to its true calling. In Him, we become part of the "royal priesthood" that "proclaims the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light" (1 Peter 2:9). May we realize our call to worship the Holy Trinity in "spirit and truth" today.


Schmemann, Alexander. 1973. For the Life of the World Kindle ed. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press

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