Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Everyday Ministries That Nurture and Sustain Us (Thurs. June 6)

 The Word of the Day is "work ."  We often concentrate on the spectacular events of the scriptures, the miracles, visions, and outpourings of the Spirit, and we highlight the disputes, persecutions, and trials of the faithful. But the day-to-day work of ministry is the primary way that the Gospel reaches and nurtures most of us.

Today, in our reading of Acts 14:20-28, we hear of the everyday work of Paul and Barnabas in the region of Lycaonia, Galatia, and Phrygia. They must have carried out their missionary efforts over many months. Immediately before today's reading, Luke reports that Paul was stoned and dragged out of the city (Acts 14:19-20). But rather than flee the region, Luke says that Paul and Barnabas preached the Gospel in the nearby town of Derbe (vs. 20-21). They then returned to Lystra, where Paul's opponents had almost killed him. Additionally, they went back to Iconium and Antioch of Pisidia, the hometowns of those who stirred up trouble for the apostles in Lystra (vs. 21).   Everywhere that the apostles went in the region, they labored in the Gospel, "strengthening the souls of the disciples and exhorting them to continue in the faith" (OSB vs. 23). 

The  Everyday Ministries to Believers: Preaching and Training Disciples 

Today, in our assigned reading of Acts 14:20-27, we will identify the everyday activities that brought many souls to Christ and nurtured their newborn faith. We will note that these activities are still the primary ways believers are given birth, grounded, and sustained in the New Life of Christ.

First, Paul and Barnabas preached the Gospel. Luke does not record any sermons here. But we can suppose that the apostle preached and taught the Word of Christ continuously. We can make this conclusion because he instructs his protégé, Timothy, to preach the Word and to be ready to proclaim it "in season and out of season" (2 Timothy 4:2). 

Second:  the apostles made disciples (vs. 22). The Greek text uses the Word for enrolling pupils in instruction (Strong's #3100, 154). This "discipling" was not content to bring people to Christ. It was also intended to set them on the path of following the Lord as well.

Strengthening, Exhorting, Delegating, and Commending

Third, they "strengthened the souls of the disciples" (NKJV vs. 22). The Greek term "strengthened" comes from the idea of "leaning on" something (Strong's #1991, 99). Thus, the term refers to the ministry of support and confirmation. As the disciples in the region became spiritually stronger through this nurture, they developed their ability to stand by themselves. And they, in turn,  bolstered the faith of others (Galatians 6:2).

Fourth, they " exhorted them [the disciples] to continue in the faith."  The Greek term is derived from words meaning to "call near" or "to call to one's side"(Strong's #3870, 190). In today's passage, it means to call someone to a specific task or for a particular outcome (Strong's 3870,  190).   Accordingly, the apostles appealed to the new disciples to "continue in the faith" (vs. 22). Paul and Barnabas ensured that their flock was not discouraged in a time of trial. Therefore, they prepared the new converts to face inevitable tribulations (vs. 22) to "enter the kingdom of God" (vs.22).

Fifth, the apostles ensured their ministry would continue. Thus, Paul and Barnabas "appointed elders in every church" (vs. 23). The Greek term is "presbyters," that is, "elders" (Strong's #4245, 209-10). The Orthodox Study Bible comments, "Elders are presbyters (priests) ordained by the apostles to nurture and lead the churches they established… These presbyters are men of mature faith who have responsibility for the souls of those entrusted to them" (OSB comment on vs. 23).

Finally, the apostles "commended" the members of their churches to the Lord. This term suggests a reliance on the mercy of God to endure what lies ahead. Doctors do not heal their patients but provide strength and support for their bodies to recover. Even so, the apostles were not the healers of the souls of those they served, but the Holy Spirit used them to bring spiritual well-being to the members of their flocks. Therefore, they could put their congregations and their members in the hands of the  Lord.

For Reflection

While most of us are not ordained ministers of the Word, we all benefit from their ministry. In this age of individualism, it's easy to think that we can be our own ministers. However, the spiritual guidance and support provided by the assembly of a church are invaluable. Today's reading reminds us of the blessings we receive from those who nurture us in the way of Christ.

The blessings these servants of Christ give us include the precious opportunity to hear the Word of God, the call and instruction to be a disciple of Christ, the support of one's faith in all circumstances, the encouragement to grow in faith and love despite trials and setbacks; mature spiritual advisors and guides to keep us on the narrow way of salvation;  and finally, faithful spiritual caregivers who are concerned about us and who pray for us.

Those who dismiss participation in the Body of Christ, the Church, and those who claim no religion at all do not realize what they lack. Claiming to be "spiritual" but not religious," they are liable to be spiritually lost and suspectable to religious charlatans who would prey on their ignorance of the things of the Spirit.

We should not only thank God for all He provides us through the church's ministers, but we should also pray for opportunities to share these blessings with the 'lost souls' of this generation who have not yet found their way to Christ and require spiritual guidance and support.

P.S.  I thank God for everyone who reads this blog.  So far, I have not provided a link for you to follow the blog. Consequently, there are more readers than followers at this point. But now you can find it in the upper left corner.  Please support the ministry of this blog and reach out to others who would benefit from it.  Thank you and God bless.

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