Maturity Is Reaching the Fullness of Christ (Fri. June 14)
The word of the day is "fullness." Most of us would admit that our relationship with the Lord is still growing toward completion, lacking nothing. In our reading of Acts 19:1-18, we find an example of faith that needs to be more complete in its basic understanding. In Ephesus, Paul encounters a group of disciples whose belief is incomplete. He asks, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed" (vs. 2)? They reply, "We have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit" (OSB vs. 2). Today, from the example of these followers and Paul's teaching, we learn that our goal should be the maturity of the "fullness" of the Body of Christ of which we are members.
John the Baptist's Teaching Lacked Fullness
In the preceding chapter, we met Apollos, who taught the way of the Lord correctly, except that he "knew only the baptism of John" (OSB Acts 18:25). Two laypersons had to take him aside to complete the preacher's understanding of the faith. Now, we hear of twelve men whose faith was likewise incomplete because they lacked the knowledge of the Holy Spirit.
Lest we charge that Paul is too critical of these believers, think about what our faith would be like without knowing the Holy Spirit. We would only understand some of what the Holy Spirit does in our spiritual lives. For example, we would need to be made aware of the roles of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us. We would not need to understand that the Spirit reminds us of the teaching of the Lord, testifies to the truth of the Gospel, and sanctifies, empowers, inspires, and gives us spiritual gifts for ministry and service.
Of course, there were many parallels between John the Baptist's preaching of repentance and the Lord's message, "Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand" (OSB Mark 1:14-15). But John's message only prepared for the coming of the Lord. And His baptism only signified the turning away from sin. Therefore, John's teachings needed to be completed. They lacked "fullness. Likewise, Paul had to correct the twelve men who were followers of John. Then, he had to baptize them in the Lord's name and lay hands on them for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
The Goal of the Fullness of Christ
Thus, we learn from this example that we should not be satisfied with incomplete teaching. Instead of hanging on to insufficient instruction, we should strive for the fullness of the faith of the Church. This is what Paul teaches in Ephesians. Paul proclaims that the gifts of the Spirit are given "for the edifying of the body of Christ" (OSB Ephesians 4:12). And then he writes that the Spirit gives the edification of the church "till we all come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the fullness of Christ" (OSB Ephesians 4:13).
The Body of Christ Should Become the "Perfect Man"
Note that the gifts of the Spirit build up the Body of Christ. Paul says we should become "a perfect man, stressing the unity of the Church." What is the "perfect man"? The apostle does not mean that we should become "perfect individuals." But he is speaking of what the whole Body of Christ, the Church, should become.
The word "perfect" means to be brought to completion, to reach its proper end (Strong's #5046, 248). That fulfillment is measured by the stature, that is, the maturity (Strong's #2244, 111) of the "fullness of Christ" (OSB Ephesians 4:13). The all-important word "fullness" in Greek means to be "filled up" or to reach completion so that no more can be added (Strong #4138, 204). Thus, the apostle writes, "For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily" (OSB Colossians 2:9). The Son of God is everything that God is.
Yet this fullness of Christ is given to us in the Church. Thus, the apostle says, "You are complete in Him who is the head of all principality and power" (OSB Colossians 2:9). If we are in union with Christ, He shares His fullness with us. We are "conformed to the image of His [God's] Son," becoming like Him in all things (Romans 8:29).
For Reflection
But how do we reach the state of "union with Christ"? We cannot realize our union with Christ if we are not in union with the Church, His Body. The physical body's limbs, muscles, and organs have no life except as part of the body. So, the members of the Body of Christ do not have the New Life of Christ except as part of His Body. On the other hand, when we are one in Christ, we share in the fullness of Christ.
The fullness of Christ is not an individual pursuit but a collective goal for the Church. When we, as members of the Body of Christ, achieve perfect unity in Him, we lack nothing—nothing of faith, love, and hope, nothing in the inspiration, power, and gifts of the Spirit, nothing in doctrine and leadership, nothing in worship, praise, and thanksgiving. Together, we become the 'perfect man,' reaching complete maturity in Christ, the fullness of the Body of Christ.
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