Sunday, June 9, 2024

How Pretexts Hide the Motives of the Passions (Mon. June 10)

Christ is risen!

The word of the day is "pretext." Evil comes in many disguises. One of these is to hide one's motives under the cloak of pretext. This tactic of wickedness misleads others into believing that the reasons for one's actions are good and genuine. Today, in our reading of Acts 17-1-15, we find that envious Jews stir up a mob in Thessalonica. The crowd dragged the host of Paul and Silas to the pagan rulers of the city. They charged that Jason and the followers of Christ were acting "contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying there is another king–Jesus" (OSB vs. 7).

Today, we examine this example of a pretext and find that these falsehoods are based on the motives of wayward passions. Passions are misdirected emotions. When they get out of hand, Gregory of Nyssa says, we become irrational animals. Thus, the jealous religious leaders of Thessalonica stirred up the feelings of the crowd into a raging mob.

Pretext as a Cover for Envy

The leaders' accusation against the believers in Thessalonica was like the accusation against the Lord Jesus at his trial before Pilate. It was a pretext for the actual motive of envy. This observation prompts us to examine the disguise of evil by pretext and consider how to avoid being controlled by envious passions.

The Pretext of False Charges

The Roman ruler of the city was a pagan, and the Jews knew that he would have no interest in religious disputes. So, the Jewish leaders concocted charges against the believers. They falsely claimed that the apostles taught there was another king besides Caesar.

An insurrection was a grave offense that was swiftly crushed. Between the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the end of the 1st century A.D., there were no less than thirteen major revolts against Roman authority, not only in the provinces but also among Roman politicians. Such rebelliousness was swiftly punished with ruthless torture and death.

The Jews' charges against Jason, the host of the apostles, and other believers hid their true purpose, which was to undermine and destroy the faith in Jesus Christ. The Jews deceitfully used the power of the state to enforce their hatred and promote their interests. Those who opposed the teachings of the apostles used one of the most frequent pretexts for opposing the Lord and the apostles. It was the tactic of confusing the kingdoms of this world with the Kingdom of God.

For Reflection

The righteousness of human action is often a matter of motives. We can do the right things for the wrong reasons. And we can do evil things for what would be considered good reasons. St. Maximus said, "Many human activities, good in themselves, are not good because of the motive for which they are done." For example, fasting and vigils, prayer and psalmody, acts of charity and hospitality are by nature good, but when performed for the sake of self-esteem, they are not good.[1]

The same is true of other actions that may seem reasonable and noble in the eyes of those who do them. The Lord said, "They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service" (OSB John 16:2). Indeed, the Jews in Thessalonica probably rationalized that they were protecting their leadership and teaching of Judaism.

Today's study teaches that we should pray for the discernment of our own and others' motives. We learn from our reading that envy and jealousy are often hidden in the rationalization of pretexts. By the wisdom that the Holy Spirit gives, we need to identify it and root it out of its hiding places in the heart. To do this, we should examine our motives, especially when intense emotions compel us to act irrationally. We should not strive to get rid of our passions but to cleanse them so that we act on pure motives that are right and good.

 Works Cited

[1] St. Maximus the Confessor, Four Hundred Texts on Love 2.35, The Philokalia: The Complete Text (Vol. 2),


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