Thursday, September 26, 2024

Bearing the One Anothers While Bearing Our Own Load (Friday, September 27)

Today's Word of the Day is 'bear." The key to today's reading is that a single word can carry different meanings depending on how it is used in its context. That principle applies to our reading of Galatians 6:2-10, which seems to present a paradox. Paul first writes, 'Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ' (OSB vs. 2). However, the apostle seems to go on to contract himself when he says, "'For each will have to bear his own load' (OSB vs. 5). In today's study, we will find that these verses are not opposed to one another. They refer to different uses of the word "bear" in the situation that Paul is addressing.

Bear One Another’s Burdens

The first statement is that we should “bear each other’s burdens” (OSB vs. 2). The word “burdens” here refers to what is “heavy,” that is, “loads” or “weights” (Strong’s #922).  Therefore, the thought of “heavy loads” is a metaphor for troubles that weigh us down. Paul teaches that we are to “take up” or “carry” these difficulties for one another (Strong’s 941).

We should carry each other’s struggles just as the Lord “has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows,” according to Isaiah’s prophesy (OSB Isaiah 53:14).[i] The word “borne” in Hebrew refers to “lifting,” “carrying, and “taking [along with us] (Strong’s Hebrew #5375).  And the word “carried means to lift a heavy load (Strong’s Hebrew #5445).

Mutual Support in the Body of Christ

It is important to note that the Lord taught that our support of one another should be mutual. The cares of others should become our cares.  The troubles of others should become our troubles.  The concerns of others should become our concerns.  Accordingly, Paul teaches that there should be “no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another (1 Cor. 12:25).  If one member suffers, all the members suffer. If one member is honored, all the members are honored (OSB 1 Corinthians 12:25-26)Thus, the mutual sharing of the weight of our troubles testifies to the church’s unity in Christ.

The Term “Bear In a Different Sense

However, Paul uses the term “bear differently.  He writes, “

Each will bear his own load “(OSB vs. 6).  We can understand why Paul is using the word in another sense if we ask why Paul is doing so.  In verse 3, Paul abruptly turns to the question of those in Corinth who are “puffed up with pride.  The apostle suggests that their bragging is empty.  It is self-deception (vs. 3).  Therefore, Paul urges, “Let each one examine his own work (vs. 4).  Self-criticism is the remedy for self-conceit. In self-reflection, one discovers what accomplishments he can “rejoice in and what congratulations belong to another (vs. 4).

In this light, Paul declares that everyone shall carry his own weight (vs. 6).  We can express the sense of this word when we say everyone will bear responsibility for their own work.  What we do or do not do will reap the credit or the blame in the judgment of the Lord.

For Reflection

Today’s reading presents a challenge to us because it is a summary of Paul’s teaching.  To wrap up his message, the apostle skips from one topic to another.  The apostle’s final admonitions are like aphorisms, succinct kernels of truth and wise counsel.  But like other adages, these pithy statements are easy to remember, such as “Bear one another’s burdens,“Each one must bear his own load, and “Examine your own work.  These sayings provide a kind of New Testament wisdom comparable to Proverbs, the Wisdom of Solomon, and Sirach.  Like the wisdom of the Old Testament, we should understand each on its own terms.


[i] The Greek Septuagint translates, “This One bears our sins and is pained for us .  Matthew 8:17 and 1 Peter 2:24 cite this version.

Galatians 6:2-10, Aphorisms of wisdom, bear one another’s burdens, each bear his own load, He has borne our griefs, if one suffers all suffer, 

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