Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Of Boasting and Modesty (Thurs. Sept 19)

The Word of the Day is “boast.” Our society sees achievement as a sufficient reason to be proud of ourselves. It sees nothing wrong with football players who do a dance of self-glorification when they score or sack the quarterback. But today, in our reading of 2 Corinthians 10:7-18, Paul echoes the Word of the Lord, who criticized the Pharisee for congratulating himself in the temple (The “Parable of the Pharisee and Publican” Luke 18:11). The Pharisee’s prayer compared himself to the tax collector in a boastful display or self-righteousness. 


Like the  Pharisee, Paul’s opponents in Corinth are boasting of their superior powers and gifts. Moreover, they are criticizing Paul’s supposed weakness and lack of talent. But Paul responds that it is easy to boast when one measures oneself by one’s own standards. The braggart looks at himself through the mirror of his own opinion, claiming all the credit, even for what others have contributed and done.


But the apostle notes that those who puff themselves up this way are “not wise” (vs. 12). The arrogant look at their outward appearance and see what they want to see. But St. Paul stresses the importance of looking inward and considering whether they are thinking and acting as Christ’s own or thinking only of themselves.

Note how St. Paul demonstrates the virtue of modesty. He will not boast “of things beyond measure” or take credit for the accomplishments of others. He does not want to reap where others have planted. Instead, he is resolved to take the Gospel where others have not yet preached it, showing a humble willingness to serve and modesty in not seeking undue recognition. For instance, when the apostle was in Corinth, he worked as a tentmaker to support himself, not seeking financial support from the Corinthians,  a clear example of humble service to others. 


St. Anatoly of Optina said, “Where God is—there is peace… wherever the devil is—everything is ruinous, proud, and hostile” (Schaefer 2009, Kindle Loc 885). If boasting is an expression of pride, then wherever there is boasting, we can be sure that Satan is active. He takes over the heart, mind, and mouth of the arrogant, leading them to spiritual ruin and animosity. This cautionary reflection should make us more aware of the negative effects of boasting. 

Boasting, therefore, leads to spiritual ruin and animosity. On the other hand, as St. Isaac the Syrian said, humility is accompanied by modesty and self-collectedness” (Isaac 2011, Homily 70). Unpretentious people are in control of themselves and can act wisely and discreetly. Humility, therefore, leads to peace and harmony.


Isaac, the Syrian. 2011. Homilies of St. Isaac the Syrian. Edited by Homily 72 St. Isaac the Syrian, Ascetical Homilies of St Isaac the Syrian: Holy Transfiguration Monastery.

Schaefer, Archimandrite George. 2009. Living Without Hypocrisy: Spiritual Counsel of the Holy Elders of Optina. Jordanville, N.Y.: Printshop of St. Job of Pochaev.

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