Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Glory In Store For Us (Sat. Sept. 7--Added)

The Word of the Day is "glory." In today's reading of 1 Corinthians 2:6-9, St. Paul writes of the hidden mystery of the "things that God has prepared for those who love him" (vs. 7). How can we describe the "glory" that God has planned for us since the beginning of time? 

Our human words and thoughts are insufficient to describe the 'glory' that God has planned for us. Only through the profound perception of hope bestowed by the Spirit can we look forward to it. As St. Paul affirms, 'Eye has not seen, nor ear heard… the things that God has prepared for those who love him' (vs. 9).

By the Spirit, hope pierces through the darkness of this present age to discern the hidden glories of God. In The Life of Moses, St. Gregory of Nyssa teaches, "Hope… always kindles the desire for the hidden through what is constantly perceived" (p. 114). Thus, hope steadfastly draws us forward to the end, the completion of God's promises and the unspeakable glories of His Kingdom to come.

Therefore, we are not merely enduring the present turmoil of these trying times. Within them, we can discern the hidden work of God, leading us to the glories that we can only see through the hope that the Holy Spirit gives.

For Reflection

Looking at our present circumstances only on the surface level, we will likely be overcome with despair. But when we look at ourselves and our world through the lens of hope, we catch a vision of the invisible activity of God. At this very moment, the God of grace is preparing unimaginable glories for us that will more than compensate for our present trials (Romans 8:18). What are we concentrating on as we face the challenges of our time: the constant threats of one crisis after another or the unfailing hope of what the Lord of heaven and earth has in store for us?

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