Thursday, September 19, 2024

Upholding the Truth in a Time of Deception (Fri. Sept. 20)


The Word of the Day is “false.” In today’s scripture passage of 2 Corinthians 11:5-21, we note how seriously St. Paul takes the false teachers who are misleading the congregation at Corinth. The Apostle is so concerned—and incensed—that he is willing to defend himself on the low level of his adversaries.

St. Paul begins his rant against those who are pretending to be apostles, “For I consider that I am not at all inferior to the most eminent apostles” (vs. 5). Then he writes that he is going to “boast a little” (vs. 16). His boasting will not be “according to the Lord” (vs. 17). In this case, the Apostle admits that he will not follow the Lord’s direction, but he will speak “foolishly” in the same manner as his opponents.


We learn in this passage that St. Paul’s primary concern was that lies and deceptions were misleading the Corinthians. Why was that of critical concern? The Apostle writes, “You put up with fools gladly…for you put up with it if one brings you bondage, the one devours you, the one who takes from you, the one exalts himself, the one who strikes you on the face” (vs. 20). In other words, if the truth sets us free, lies take us captive. Deceits catch us and swallow us up in their world of make-believe. Falsehoods honor dishonesty and despise honesty. In short, the truth is a straight path: those who forsake it get lost in a thicket of confusion.


The New Testament resounds with urgent warnings against false prophets who “will arise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect” (vs. 24). From the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ to the visions of St. John in Revelation (e.g., vs. 10:13), the warnings are clear and consistent. The case of the apostasy at Corinth reveals the havoc that these false “disguises of Satan” can wreak (vs. 13). The flock of the Church must be on constant guard against the wolves of deception in their midst.


The primary mission of the Orthodox Church is of the utmost importance, as it stands as a fortress, guarding the true faith against false prophets, teachings, and practices. To be Orthodox is to be committed to the truth: the truth of the Gospel, the scriptures, the Ecumenical Councils, Holy Tradition, the church fathers, and the witness of the saints and martyrs. This commitment is not just for the bishops and theologians but for each member, who has the responsibility to understand and uphold these Orthodox testimonies to the truth. 

However, our commitment to the truth in matters of faith should extend to beyond speech to conduct (Ephesians 4:23 and 6:14). The commandments charge that we should not “bear false witness” (Exodus 20: 16). Moreover, the Lord Jesus taught that the prohibition against “swearing falsely” covers all oaths. He says, “Let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’ and your ‘No’ be ‘No’ for whatever is more than these is from the evil one” (Matthew 5:37). With this lesson in mind, we must understand the gravity of our responsibility to live and represent the truth by word and deed in these times of wholesale deceitfulness.

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