Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Relatings to Nonbelievers in a Non-Christian Society (Wednesday, September 11)

The Word of the day is "yoked." Today, in our reading of 2 Corinthians 6:11-16, St. Paul admonishes his congregation, "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers" (vs. 11). Paul's directive may be  unpopular in our "pluralistic society." Yet, he had a point for us to consider as we seek to live faithfully amid the diversity of people in today's world.

Despite our intentions, others influence us. Relationships involve "give and take." Thus, if we engage with others who have beliefs, values, attitudes, and habits different from our own, we must be on guard lest their outlook affect us, even unwittingly. By associating with them, we might find that we can influence them.

However, we will find that we need the discernment of the Holy Spirit to decide the extent of our relationships with outsiders to the circle of faith. We will need the Spirit's guidance to negotiate these relationships and know what associations will be of spiritual benefit to others.


The background of this directive is the "Holiness Code" in the Old Testament. Most likely, St. Paul had the command, "Do not plow with a young bull and a donkey together" (Deuteronomy 22:16) in mind. That would be yoking two living things together "unequally." Practically speaking, harnessing the two beasts of burden together would be an attempt to make them a team. Yet, we can imagine that the team would not work well. The ox would overpower the donkey, and the donkey would resist the control of the ox. Likewise, in the marriage of a baptized believer and a nonbeliever, the marital team would always be hampered by their unequal beliefs and values.

The Line Between Living in the Light and Living in Darkness

Yet this metaphor has a deeper spiritual meaning. The "Holiness Code" honored and guarded the differences in the order of creation. Yet, these differences represented more profound distinctions on the spiritual level. God called the Chosen People of the Old Testament to set themselves apart from their pagan neighbors in the smallest detail of their lives. Likewise, we, the people of the New Testament, were "baptized into Christ." We now share in His death, resurrection, righteousness, and eternal life. It is not that we are "better than others," for our new status is only by God's grace. Yet there is a definite line between light and darkness, righteousness and lawlessness, the Holy Trinity and idols, and believing and unbelieving. We have been called out of the dark to live in the light. We are living temples of God, for the life-giving Holy Spirit dwells within us (vs. 16).


The challenge of the Corinthians was how to live as Christians in a pagan society. Paul admitted the believers in Corinth still had to have contact with the nonbelievers in their city. However, contact with them was different than accepting idolatry and immorality in their fellowship (vs. 9-11). With these thoughts in mind,  Paul used the image of the unequal yoke of the ox and the donkey to warn believers not to become involved again in the dealings of our former lives. 

We also cannot escape interaction with nonbelievers. Of course, we should avoid joining them in blatant sin. But how close should our association with them be? This is a valid question, and Paul's teaching is that we should limit the influences of those with contrasting beliefs, values, and conduct while seeking relationships with our fellow believers in the community of faith.


The Pharisees criticized the Lord Jesus for associating with the wrong kind of people, that is, with "tax collectors and sinners" (Matthew 9:11). He did so because He came to seek and to save the lost (Matthew 9:12-13). Paul's caution is well taken. But how will others come to know Christ except through us? And how will that happen if we do not relate to them? Therefore, Paul's directive that we limit our association with those who do not share our "core values" should be balanced by our desire that they also hear and believe in the Gospel. We should be open to the Holy Spirit's direction. He will likely guide us to relationships with unbelievers that we can influence by sharing our faith and way of life.

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